Lazy Sewing

Admit it, we’ve all done it – taken those short cuts that any professional sewer would shake their head at. Sometimes it’s just easier to cut the corners and move on hoping that no one will notice, and chances are, they won’t. Take a look at these and let me know if you do any of these things and what other short cuts can I take in the future. 😉

Mix-Matching Bobbin Thread – This is probably one of the most common things that I do on a regular basis. I’ll be using white thread on top and then chances are if I was using red bobbin thread ealier on… I’ll probably use red bobbin thread again. ACTUALLY red bobbin thread was probably a bad example because I know I’m going to want to conserve it so I won’t have to wind another red bobbin – therefore I may go ahead and change it. Let’s just switch the colors in this scenario, you get what I’m saying though. I have no problem using 2 different colors of thread.

With that said, when I am using my embroidery machine, I will use the same color, but with basic sewing, you can guarantee there are probably two colors of thread.

Not Changing Needles – I’m sure this is a “no no” but I rarely change my sewing machine needles. There are several different rules of thumb that sewers are supposed to go by in order to keep their sewing machine running in tip top shape. *Change the needle in between each project * Change the needle every 4 hours of sewing * Change your needle every 8 hours or sewing * Change your needle every third bobbin you go through * OR you could be like me and change the needle when you start hearing it make that “thud” sound in your fabric, or the stitches start getting a little bit wonky. Or (shakes my head in shame) wait until the needle breaks to change it and hope that you aren’t top stitching something important.

Not Pre-Washing Fabric – This morning is actually the first time I have ever prewashed fabric and that is because I am making a baby blanket for a friend. Other than that, I just never do it and never have done it. I really wish I did do it more, but chances are when I come home with new fabric, I’m just ready to dig in!! Another reason why I don’t wash my fabric is because I don’t do a lot of clothes sewing. I typically enjoy sewing handbags or wallets or that type of thing that doesn’t usually get washed after it is sewn together. I also feel like it takes away from the crispness of the fabric. I feel that the baby blanket that I am making would actually look much sharper if I didn’t wash the fabric, however with a baby being involved, I didn’t really want to take that risk.

Leaving Basting Stitches In – That’s right, I do that too! One of the worst parts about sewing is “Frog Sewing”. Don’t you just hate when you have to “Rip it, rip it, rip it”? HA!!! But seriously, why on earth would I want to stitch something knowing that I will have to pick the stitches out at a later time? I can see why people do it when they press the seams open on a project, but for me, I typically press to one side and one side only…. THE DARK SIDE… DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN. I know that typically these are bigger stitches that are easy to pick out, I just don’t like doing it.

No Steam for Iron – I’m not saying that I DON’T iron, I just don’t ever use steam. It mainly comes down to I just never put water in my iron. Last time I traveled with my iron, the water that was in it ended up leaking, which is why I haven’t filled it back up yet. I totally love my iron and I honestly don’t know if it would make a difference if I did use steam or not.

Well these are a few of my most commonly used lazy sewing techniques. Let me know what you use to cut the time of a sewing project down!!

Until next time,


Where have I been?

I was so excited to start sharing everything I have made with everyone and then it seemed like I just fell off the face of the Earth. Here is a little bit  about what I have been up to…

First of all, back in February of this year, I was officially promoted to the Detective position. “Well she didn’t disappear until June” yall are probably telling yourselves. My Detective position is very rewarding, yet is very challenging. I typically work M-F 8a-5p and recently it has been once 5p hit, I was ready to go to bed. That’s not mentioning all of the times I ended up working late.

Another thing that ended up happening is that my husband and I are expecting our first child!! What that means is I am tired ALL OF THE FREAKIN TIME!! Don’t get me wrong, I am super excited about the arrival of little Lily, but who would’ve thought that a little rice-sized human could drain you so much. Between the two of these very exciting things, all I wanted to do was to plop on the couch and fall asleep watching T.V.

So to answer the question “Where have I been?” ….. the answer is on the couch snoozing.

I felt so bad about not sewing anything that I wouldn’t even stop by the fabric section at Walmart to see what new seasonal fabric they had because I knew I wouldn’t be touching it. Or go into Jo Ann’s just to touch all of the “feel good” fabrics.

I would do little things here and there, like fix a hole in one of Josh’s shirts or do a small something that only took 10 minutes to do. I would then tell him “man, I really miss sewing”. I would also just sit on the couch just longing to sew something, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’m sure I am not the only one that has experienced this, but it just made me sad to not be sewing anything.

This weekend on Sunday I actually got up early (like still dark early) to fix a pair of Josh’s jeans that had ripped. Then I finished up a table runner. Then I pieced together another table runner. Then I made him an awesome Halloween vest for Josh. I literally spent all day sewing that Sunday and it was GLORIOUS!!!

Then Monday hit and it was back to work and school again. Oh my goodness…. I can’t believe I didn’t mention grad school…. This semester I am taking a course called Program Evaluation and I cannot even begin to tell you how much I dislike this class. I also happen to have one of those professors that likes to assign 48048504 discussion boards, and then you have to respond to each discussion board 18 times to engage in conversation because it is an online course. Obviously I am exaggerating a little bit, but while I am on the couch attempting to take a baby nap, I think about how I can get out of doing my homework and push it off until tomorrow.

Also, some good news…. I’m not even sure if anyone knew or not but I had misplaced the pedal for my sewing machine. I ended up (accidently) ordering 2 pedals and neither of them worked. I was so bummed because it had been so long since I had a pedal for my machine and I couldn’t quilt anything. Well I have finally found one that works!! I have no idea where I got it from, but I am super glad that I found it and it was so nice having it this weekend!!!

Well that’s about all I got for this time and hopefully I’ll be able to post again shortly.

Until next time,
